Mon Nov 18 2024 • ☕️ 5 min read • you like my writing? Buy me a coffee
Sitecore XM Cloud Components offers a powerful and user-friendly way to build a Style Library, serving as the foundation of your design system. Currently, the elements defined in the Style Library are primarily used for creating components within XM Cloud Components. But could its potential extend further? For instance, can the Style Library be integrated into custom React component development?
If so, this would enable a unified design system that supports both marketer-created components in XM Cloud Components and developer-built React components. This integration is particularly valuable when these components need to blend seamlessly on the same page, ensuring consistency and a cohesive user experience.
The first pointer in the direction of reuse become visible when you select the Get embedding code menu option on the three dots of a component:
Selection of this menu options open a popup where code samples are given for using the component in React, React Server (as a React server component), as a Web Component, or using the DOM API.
And the nice thing is that this code can also be opened on Codepen to see it in action:
Lets inspect the provided code samples:
import * as FEAAS from '@sitecore-feaas/clientside/react'
// Collection: Content
// Component: Teaser
// Version: For medium and large devices
// URL:
export function FEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices({ data } : { data: any }) {
return <FEAAS.Component
data={data || {}}
<FEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices data={null} />
<FEAAS.Component />
component import * as FEAAS from '@sitecore-feaas/clientside/react'
// Collection: Content
// Component: Teaser
// Version: For medium and large devices
// URL:
export async function FEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices({ data } : { data: any }) {
return <FEAAS.ServerComponent
data={data ? JSON.stringify(data) : {}}
{/* @ts-ignore Async Server Component */}
<FEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices data={null} />
<FEAAS.ServerComponent />
for handling React server components<script type="module">import '@sitecore-feaas/clientside'</script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" crossorigin="anonymous" />
Collection: Content
Component: Teaser
Version: For medium and large devices
import * as FEAAS from '@sitecore-feaas/clientside'
// Collection: Content
// Component: Teaser
// Version: For medium and large devices
// URL:
const renderFEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices = (element: HTMLElement, data: any) =>
src: '6HFDjQNJjqshya9mHC7pnr/MCzUv9T7CV/HXdpjPs_4k',
data: data || {}
}, element)
// Executing this multiple time will not cause extra network requests
const element = renderFEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices(undefined, {});
FEAAS.DataSettings.fetch(null).then((data) => renderFEAASTeaserForMediumAndLargeDevices(element, data))
So as we could see, the CSS is available as a direct link as becomes visible when using the Web Component variant. In our case this URL is
If you open this URL in your browser, the actual CSS becomes visible:
And I must say, it is not the most readable CSS. For example for typography extra larger (H1) the result is:
Type: typography
Id: RRbPrllH1F
Title: Extra large
Description: H1
Example Content: Example
.-theme--default [class^="-heading1"]:not(#_),
.-use--_4_lC01VCn [class^="-heading1"]:not(x):not(x#_),
.-theme--default [class*=" -heading1"]:not(#_),
.-use--_4_lC01VCn [class*=" -heading1"]:not(x):not(x#_),
.-theme--default h1:not(#_),
.-use--_4_lC01VCn h1:not(x):not(x#_),
.-theme--default .--_4_lC01VCn:not(._._._._#_),
.-theme--dark [class^="-heading1"]:not(#_),
.-use--AijAuU48jC [class^="-heading1"]:not(x):not(x#_),
.-theme--dark [class*=" -heading1"]:not(#_),
.-use--AijAuU48jC [class*=" -heading1"]:not(x):not(x#_),
.-theme--dark h1:not(#_),
.-use--AijAuU48jC h1:not(x):not(x#_),
.-theme--dark .--AijAuU48jC:not(._._._._#_) {
line-height: var(---typography--line-height, inherit);
font-family: "Vidaloka";
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
font-size: 42px;
letter-spacing: inherit;
---typography--line-height: initial;
---typography--icon-size: initial;
Luckely enough the resulting CSS is heavily documented, but in a next post I will investigate how to use the styles outside of the XM Cloud Components.
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Technology Consultant @ Macaw
2021-2024 Sitecore Technology MVP